A Thinker’s Decision – Hermeneutic Circle


“A person who is trying to understand a text is always projecting. He projects a meaning for the text as a whole as soon as some initial meaning emerges in the text. Again, the initial meaning emerges only because he is reading the text with particular expectations in regard to a certain meaning. Working out this fore-projection, which is constantly revised in terms of what emerges as he penetrates into the meaning, is understanding what is there” (Gadamer 1960 /2003: 267).

This is very true, when we reread or redo, we tends to understand the subject matter better.  When we study a subject matter, our understanding increases as we repeat even though the content of the subject matter never change.

When we receive information, what comes into the mind and how we react to the information may different if we run through the information a few more times, thus the decision made will be different.  That’s why the Chinese saying of “think three times prior to act” is making  sense.

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